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Showing posts from August, 2016
This past month has gone by way to fast for my liking and Brielle is now 2 months old! I cannot believe how fast time is moving! I realized I didn't even make a one month update which to me is alright since my life has been absolutely crazy in the past two months. This past month I have realized that life is too short to not live in the moment. Brielle has grown so fast already and it makes me sad and happy all at the same time. Sad because I don't want her to grow up but happy because I know she is healthy and growing. It's a weird feeling but mom's understand. :)  Brielle is now really following objects and faces. She locks in on something and will follow it around the room. She especially likes to stare at me and follow my every move with her eyes. She now smiles everyday and it melts my heart! I love knowing that she likes me when I play with her and give her kisses and I'm not just there to give her basic needs. She recognizes me. I love that! S...