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It's seems that God always gives me words in the most unlikely times. It's usually right when I'm sitting waiting at my kitchen table, with everything done, waiting to make the trek to the bus stop, he inspires me. Now don't get me wrong, God inspires me a lot... but it's when I'm alone, he speaks to me the most.

I opened up a new post page not knowing what to write. Still as I type this sentence I don't know why God wanted me to start blogging again. I was originally going to make this blog with the theme of updates on the events in my life, updating family and friends of the wonderful things that living in Regina and being married brings. Now those things are still true, but God had a different plan. It's coming clear to me, this is a place where I can share of how hard and messy being a Christian is. Yes, we paint on a false front to show people that living for Jesus is always wonderful and easy. But that is not what it's about. It's knowing that we are sinful, broken and our hearts filled with garbage. It's about bring real. Yes, being in communion with the creator is wonderful and there are many moments of praise and joy living for Jesus but i'm sick of the lie that once you become a Christian, your life will become easy. There is huge amounts of struggle. This past week for me has been difficult for me. I let the lies that the devil was telling me win over the truth and hope of the Gospel. I struggle with loneliness and self-pity. Moving has not been unfamiliar to me, so I know that it only takes time for a place to finally feel like home. I never was homesick as a child, but now my heart aches daily to be close to my family. After a few days of struggling with these things, yesterday God finally softened my heart. Praise God for repentance and freedom from sin!! I am here for a purpose. God called me here.

 I remember a quote from a camp speaker that I heard many years ago. "God is not finished with you yet." It's been a theme for me through my Christian walk, remembering that even through my sin,  my failure to pursue holiness, God still chose me. He still chose you, to use you. Blows my mind every time. So why me? Half the time I'll be honest, I don't know. Then the Holy Spirit steps in and reminds me that there is a plan for my life. That God has placed me in this exact city, at my exact workplace, in specific people's lives for a reason. To show them grace. A kindness that they do not deserve. That I do not deserve. As God shows me His grace upon my life, I need to spread that to others. What hope we have in Jesus! Live today remembering what Christ did for you because we need the Gospel everyday, not just on Sunday.

"But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8
