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A little bit of changes on the look of the blog. Needed a bit of a refurbish. haha New year approaching, new changes!

So as I am writing this post I'm sitting warmly on the coach in our condo at Kimberly, BC Alpine Resort, feet propped up, hot chocolate in hand, surround by the ones I love. This time of year always seems to show me how blessed I truly am. This mini vacation has brought a whole new sense of relaxation for me. I don't remember a time where I felt so at peace, with my circumstances and with myself. It's an amazing feeling as the last couple months have been some of the toughest for me but hey, things are on the up and up.

Praise God that he has set me free from some of the fears that constantly were crippling me in multiple ways.

Celebrating Christmas is nothing new to me and I love how festive everything seems. But this year I want to go back to the basics, It's about Jesus. All about him. Forget all the traditions and pictures with Santa...

It's about Emmanuel, God with us. Fully man, fully God. He came to save us from our sin, bridge the gap that sin had made between man and God allowing us to have a relationship with the creator of the universe. Amazing.

Go back to the basics this Christmas and celebrate the birth of our wonderful Savior.
