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Another update on life's adventures...

A couple of weeks ago we got on a plane and headed to Orlando Florida for a nine day vacation. We had a wonderful time seeing all the sites and amusement parks. I honestly don't want to go on any sort of ride for the next year at least. We definitely took advantage of the fast passes we purchased. Haha.

All in all it was a busy trip but it was wonderful that we could spend it with Luke's family, Many great memories were shared.

After we got back into the swing of real life again I questioned my role at Regina Soccer. The day I went back to work was a very stressful one. It was like the unwinding my mind has done for the past two weeks just went out the window.. I was as stressed as ever. I thought about quitting but decided to stick it out. 

Then Friday came along. I was to meet with my boss and go over my work performance for the last couple months. Only thinking that we would talk about a couple things I could change or work on I went into the meeting feeling anything but down.

To my surprise...I was let go. 

With no honest reasons that I could believe... my time at Regina Soccer came to a shocking end. With no warning or caution. It was just.. over. 

It was a hard pill to swallow that morning as I packed up my belongings from my desk and said goodbye to the office and people I had worked in and with for a year and a half. 

The theme of God not wanting us to be comfortable seemed to be one that me and Luke talked about in detail last week; which was very suiting as we had no idea I would be unemployed the next.  

It's crazy how God prepares your heart for things to come even when we can't see those situations yet. 

All in all I am doing well with this change. I feel less stressed as the job I was doing not only effected my over all attitude in the work place and at home; but was hurting my relationships. God knew this was exactly what I needed.. I just needed the push. :)

Now the journey of finding a new position begins..

Pray that God would provide the right position in the right timing, 

I'm trusting He will.
