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Today I had one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Me and Luke got to go to my first ultrasound and see our little one for the first time. It was pretty surreal as I laid down on the table and pulled my shirt up to expose my belly. I was expecting the gel to be cold like I had seen in movies and TV shows but they actually warm it up so it was really nice. Haha! I wasn't able to see the first part as the tech needed to take some measurements but Luke got to see our baby first and the expression on his face is something I'll always remember. His face looked so proud and amazed all at the same time. The first glimpse I got was of our baby's arm. It was all intact even showing bones and each tiny finger. It was like he or she was waving at us. :) To see the whole body, the face and even a little nose was so remarkable. The heart was beating at 159 beats per minute to be exact. We even got to see our baby swallow which was just amazing and I cannot wait to finally feel it's dancing! This was inside me? Really? It seemed so surreal and I think it has really sunk in for me that I'm truly carrying our baby. It looked nothing short of human that's for sure and so cute.

We even got a 3D Image at our ultrasound. Such a treat!

Hi Mom and Dad! This was my first glimpse at our baby.

I honestly cannot describe only one emotion during and after the appointment. My heart is so full of happiness, excitement, and a love I cannot describe. The rest of the day has been such a blur as I keep replaying the events of our appointment over and over. I cannot stop smiling! I cannot wait to be this baby's Momma. 
