Just over a week has gone by after finding out the gender of our wee one and I think it's starting to settle in a bit more for the both of us! We have started to buy some things and it is so much fun. I can't wait to start buying the furniture for the nursery. A good trip to Ikea is in order!
I am noticing my body is starting to complain and the constant feeling of being uncomfortable has set in. I cannot say I am enjoying this part of pregnancy as I know this will only get worse. I have quite a bit of pain in my lower stomach as baby is still sitting their head on my bladder which actually really hurts when I empty it. I am experiencing rib pain already which I am not liking and my back is also very sore. I'm sure this has to do which sitting in an office chair all day... It is so hard for me not to complain about the pain, but again I have to remember to be thankful and to cherish being able to carry my own child as some don't have this opportunity. That keeps me grounded.
My belly is getting very tight right below my belly button and this makes me scared to get stretch marks even though I know it's mostly avoidable. Nothing yet but I'm ancipitating the day I wake up with one. Haha I already have a very faint linea nigra which is a faint vertical line under my belly button which will be my friend for the next while. It's crazy to see the changes my body is making already!
Baby is moving more and more everyday or rather that I can feel their movements more and more as now baby is almost 26 cm long from head to toe! That's almost a foot long! Amazing.
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