We are at 22 weeks and yes I do have a picture of my bump this week! Baby is the size of a papaya which is about 11 inches long. I'm not actually too sure how big a papaya is as I have never really seen one but I'll just keep going along with the app that I'm using. Haha.
These past two weeks a lot has been happening with my belly. I fell like everyday I wake up and it has grown from the day before. Maybe it;s just baby's position some days but I truly think it's growing fast! One morning I woke up in so much discomfort that I ad trouble walking. Baby's head seemed to be resting right on my right hip. Haha And I know this is only the beginning of the uncomfortableness! Our little one is moving more and more everyday and I feel their kicks through out the day. When I sit still I feel them the most. You can actually feel and see the movement on the outside now! I love having Luke put his hand on my belly and tell me every time he can feel a strong kick. I seriously love those moments together because it makes me feel like he is more apart of this pregnancy and I hope it makes him feel that way too.
I now frequently pee every hour it seems like which is so frustrating! Baby loves to push on my bladder! There was one instance where I almost peed my pants a little with a swift kick to the bladder haha. I'm sure at one point this won't be uncommon for me... Haha
I started a quilt for baby this weekend which I'm hoping will become the one they bring everywhere with them. :) I'm looking forward to finishing it this week!
It's funny as I sit here and type how little bean keeps reminding me with it's movements that they will be in my arms soon. Each kick and movement creates a special bond between mother and child I didn't know existed until now. I am so thankful for the life growing inside of me and such a gift you are little one!
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