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24 weeks! Baby is almost 12 inches and the size of a large zucchini! haha. These food comparisons still crack me up! This week was much like the last lots of movement from little one which I have enjoyed but some kicks are now not so comfortable as they are getting stronger. I can now feel and see a foot or elbow protruding from my side occasionally which is so wild! Even Luke can see and feel them which is sweet. Saturday and Sunday this past week I didn't feel as much movement in the regular spots like my upper right side and low abdomen so of course I became a bit concerned. I wasn't feeling very much of any movement so I tried everything to get the baby to move. Sure enough I laid down for about an hour and drank some cold juice and I felt some faint kicks. Nothing like I was feeling before where my stomach would look like waves but it was something.  I'm pretty positive baby or the placenta has moved in there and I am still not feeling a whole lot. I just need to trust that everything is okay instead of being a worried Momma. haha

The baxton hicks have seemed to be a regular daily thing now which isn't bad thing, it's just not pleasant. I seem to get them when I'm sitting down more but maybe I'm just not noticing them when I'm standing or walking around. I just know that they are going to eventually get stronger. :P

I have noticed my legs have become a bit restless and experienced a cramp like pain in my right ankle on Sunday which was awful! I couldn't even stand. I'm hoping that was only a one time thing!

This may be weird but there are just so many changes that happen with a womans body when she is pregnant, but my belly button is starting to become smaller and smaller. At this point there isn't much depth to it which looks so funny to me. haha

Still craving tomato soup like mad! Love that stuff. haha!

I kind feel like my belly hasn't been growing too much this week but I'm still feeling big. :)
