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26 weeks! Baby is 14 inches and the size of a coconut! She is moving a lot this week like normal but I definitely think that she is going through a growth spurt as I looked through my bump pictures. Even from 24 weeks I'm for sure bigger.

So I have been finding that my Braxton Hicks have only really been happening at work when I get stressed out. I do have a doctors appointment this week so I will be asking her if this is something to be concerned about as I really want to be cautious and take care of myself and baby. 

Hip pain has been something I experience everyday this past week and it has even woken me up in the night.😓 I'm really hoping that this is something that will subside or become less irritable. I'm guessing it won't but it would be nice as I sit almost all day and I think moving around would help. I think I need to be stretching more now then ever to releave the pain. 

I am starting to feel tired again as I feel the energy boost from the second trimester fading... Next week I will finally be in the third trimester! I cannot believe how fast time is flying by!
