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29 weeks was already 2 days ago! I can't believe it, I feel like I was just 10 weeks yesterday! Baby is the size of a cauliflower, 2.5lbs and 15 inches long! She is definitely getting big! My pregnancy app told me today that a baby at this stage cannot feel pain, temperature or touch which is a total lie! It kind of bothered me actually. She totally knows and reacts to when I put my hand on my tummy or when I drink a cold drink. The article kind of came across like babies aren't able to do much at this stage which did not sit well with me. Babies are very much able to survive with assistance at this point if they are born premature and definitely respond to pain and touch. Silly pregnancy app... haha!

 Not too much has changed this week.. Baby is still moving lots and the "rolling" sensation has become a lot more common then just kicks and punches which can be very uncomfortable. I cant imagine what this will feel like when she is full term! Since my uterus is growing my ribs have started to expand which gives me a constant uncomfortable feeling. Finding a comfortable position at night has now become a challenge.

My back pain is now something that I just deal with.. and I just try to not pay much attention to. It's just become a part of daily life for me.

My belly button has definitely changed, as the inside of it has now become the outside! It has almost vanished completely that is how small it is now! haha!

An update on my braxton hicks... They have almost completely gone away since my break which I am so pleased about. I will only have about one a day, if that! I have felt like work has been better and slowing myself down with things has helped a lot. Just being able to take care of myself better has done wonders.
