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So I just realized that I completely forgot to do an update for 38 weeks so since I am now at 39 weeks I will just combine the two updates together!

Not too much happened during the past week leading up to becoming 38 weeks. I did get a lot of time to rest and nap which has been very nice! But yeah I honestly cannot really remember what all happened which means there wasn't a whole lot going on. haha

So moving onto me being 39 weeks! One week until my due date people! I am so happy that I am finally at the end. :) This week baby is the size of a watermelon, 7lbs and 20 inches long. So anytime little one... the sooner the more appreciated! haha My body is feeling.. just done. Everything is hurting and I'm just ready for the pain to come and for me to have our sweet little babe in my arms. I want to finally meet her, know her and to actually see her! 

I did have an OB appointment in which went well. Everything is looking really good according to my doctor with my blood pressure and baby's heartbeat etc. She also did check to see if I was dilated. My cervix is 0% effaced and a fingertip dilated which is only .5cm. I was honestly super disappointed to find this out because I had been having stronger more frequent braxton hicks. Yes my contractions have become stronger which is a good sign of labor coming but it is just VERY uncomfortable. I don't really have any other things pointing towards labor at the moment so I would be surprised if she was born before her due date. But things could progress at anytime so I guess we will have to wait and see!

So now is just a waiting game. 
