This past month has been a life changer, to put it simply. The birth of our daughter has made me change in ways I didn't know possible and I am so thankful for it. I didn't know how to prepare myself for becoming a mother other then stocking up on diapers, baby clothes and making sure the nursery is ready. I don't think any amount of physical preparation can bring you to a place of complete confidence after you have your baby. Life instantly became a cycle of feeding, burping, rocking, getting the baby to sleep and trying to find a balance in this new lifestyle. The lack of sleep has been a challenge and I didn't think that this would affect me as much as it has where I don't remember feeding Bri in the night. My mind seems cloudy and I forget things all the time, it's 100% worse than when I had pregnancy brain! Knowing myself I need to take more naps so that I can properly function during the day and at those early morning feedings. My physical recovery has...