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Showing posts from February, 2016
Running errands and talking on the phone, I am pleasantly reminded that I am not alone. Little tiny hands a precious rounded knee pushing and twisting that no one can see. Oh sweet child kicking up your heels, it is out little secret that only I can feel. I look forward to your birth, when I can kiss your skin, but for now I will just smile, as I feel you play within. - Unknown Only 100 days left till my due date! Getting so anxious to meet you our little June bug!
25 weeks! These past couple weeks have gone by fast! Here's to hoping the next 15 go just as quickly. Baby is the size of a large cucumber is 13 inches long and 1.5lbs. Not too much has changed since the last week, but baby's movements are getting very strong! Sometimes it feel like she is scratching at my lower abdomen trying to get out which is not a very nice feeling. Haha. I have seen and felt her do some big rolls in there which I guess is new this past week. I'm still thinking she is head down as she has been since around 18 weeks. I have been putting my headphones on my belly so that she can listen to some music. Im hoping this will help her calm down when she hears familiar tunes outside of the womb. Who knows if it will work. The artist Sleeping at Last is my favorite to play for her since it's Indie that is so soft and soothing . One of my favorites too. :) So yes, we are having a little girl if you did not know already and we are so excited! Shopping has b...
24 weeks! Baby is almost 12 inches and the size of a large zucchini! haha. These food comparisons still crack me up! This week was much like the last lots of movement from little one which I have enjoyed but some kicks are now not so comfortable as they are getting stronger. I can now feel and see a foot or elbow protruding from my side occasionally which is so wild! Even Luke can see and feel them which is sweet. Saturday and Sunday this past week I didn't feel as much movement in the regular spots like my upper right side and low abdomen so of course I became a bit concerned. I wasn't feeling very much of any movement so I tried everything to get the baby to move. Sure enough I laid down for about an hour and drank some cold juice and I felt some faint kicks. Nothing like I was feeling before where my stomach would look like waves but it was something.  I'm pretty positive baby or the placenta has moved in there and I am still not feeling a whole lot. I just need to trust...
23 weeks! Baby is 11.5 inches and is as big as an ear of corn! I think these food comparisons are kinda goofy but I guess they kind of give you a little glimpse of how big baby is haha! This week has been a fun one. I feel movement all the time! Sitting, standing, and even when I'm not concentrating on feeling kicks I feel them. It's fun to see my belly literally make waves which is crazy and cool at the same time. I am definitely feeling a lot rounder and I can't imagine how big I'm really going to get! I have been craving tomato soup all the time which is just so delicious to me for some reason haha. Such a strange craving.  I bought some baby clothes this weekend when my lovely Mom came to visit which is so fun.It's definitely hard to stop. Everything is just so cute.We did a lot more looking at everything which was good but so overwhelming! There are so many things to get before baby arrives.  I also bought my first pair of maternity jeans which are so amazing...
To be honest becoming a parent scares me; terrifies me actually.  I never grew up around babies, I was the baby. I'm the youngest in my family and all my extended family never lived very close so I never got to experience what it was like to take care of an infant especially a new born. I think that most first time parents feel this way in some form or another which I have been told, but right now I feel kind of lost in between buying nursery furniture and diapers. I don't know what brads are the best what products are a must have.. I have no idea what I'm doing! I think I wont be really able to know what I'm doing until I figure out things with my own child. Since I was a little girl, even some of my first memories where of me caring for my dolls. I would treat them like my own children, swaddle them, change their diapers, and push them in my mini stroller. As long as I can remember I have always wanted to be someones "Mommy". So that natural instinct tha...