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Showing posts from January, 2016
We are at 22 weeks and yes I do have a picture of my bump this week! Baby is the size of a papaya which is about 11 inches long. I'm not actually too sure how big a papaya is as I have never really seen one but I'll just keep going along with the app that I'm using. Haha. These past two weeks a lot has been happening with my belly. I fell like everyday I wake up and it has grown from the day before. Maybe it;s just baby's position some days but I truly think it's growing fast! One morning I woke up in so much discomfort that I ad trouble walking. Baby's head seemed to be resting right on my right hip. Haha And I know this is only the beginning of the uncomfortableness! Our little one is moving more and more everyday and I feel their kicks through out the day. When I sit still I feel them the most. You can actually feel and see the movement on the outside now! I love having Luke put his hand on my belly and tell me every time he can feel a strong kick. I seri...
Just over a week has gone by after finding out the gender of our wee one and I think it's starting to settle in a bit more for the both of us! We have started to buy some things and it is so much fun. I can't wait to start buying the furniture for the nursery. A good trip to Ikea is in order! I am noticing my body is starting to complain and the constant feeling of being uncomfortable has set in. I cannot say I am enjoying this part of pregnancy as I know this will only get worse. I have quite a bit of pain in my lower stomach as baby is still sitting their head on my bladder which actually really hurts when I empty it. I am experiencing rib pain already which I am not liking and my back is also very sore. I'm sure this has to do which sitting in an office chair all day... It is so hard for me not to complain about the pain, but again I have to remember to be thankful and to cherish being able to carry my own child as some don't have this opportunity. That keeps me ...
So yes I have failed miserably the last couple weeks for posting my bump but I'm thankful that normal life has started again this week! So I am currently 19 weeks and 4 days today and starting to feel more and more pregnant if that makes sense! Haha! I am feeling our little one everyday all day and I am loving it. Of course baby's movements are becoming less comfortable for me even though I still like feeling them. Luke has now been able to feel baby move with his hand on my stomach which will be moments I'll always remember! Sleeping has been interesting as I find myself having a hard time sleeping on my side which is recommended. I always wake up in the night on my back! Whoops! We also had an ultrasound this week and got to find out the gender! We couldn't be more excited! If you are wanting to know what it is feel free to contact me I'd be happy to tell you. :) So after finding out ... in all of my excitement and with a hint of pregnancy brain... I posted it...
This last two weeks have been a little crazy in the Fontaine home! Christmas and New Years has come and gone and in a way I'm thankful to get back into the regular swing of things. Not that our holidays weren't great.. because they were but it was just busy! We kicked off everything with spending Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with Luke's family which was lovely! We also got to welcome Ashley, Carson's then girlfriend into our home once again which is always a treat for us. We spent a couple of days after Christmas preparing for Carson's proposal to Ashley which was fun and excitingl! I had the privilege to be asked to take pictures of them and to video the whole thing which was so fun for me. Everything went smoothly in the end and she said yes! I am really looking forward to having another sister join the family. :) On the 29th of December we made our way to Taber, AB where my parents live to spend some time with them. We got there in the afternoon and in the eve...