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As I look down and study my daughter I wish I could just bottle up everything about her. Her little eyelashes, fingers and toes are just so precious. I wish I could save the way she smells and her little sounds. As I stroke her soft little cheek I now understand why my mom would say that "You will always be my baby"; that's what Brielle will be for me too. I know that she will continue to grow, mature, and one day move out and build her own life. This precious bundle will start to talk back, push the limits, and make me want to pull my hair out. I know that I will have to ask her for forgiveness as I make mistakes as a mother and I hope she does forgive me. I hope and pray that we will be close, that she will grow into a confidant, beautiful woman who loves others; a person who has the biggest heart and ultimately loves and knows Jesus personally.

I know that Brielle has her own personality and that will show more and more as she grows. She is already showing this and her middle name "Joy" couldn't be more appropriate for her. She is such a joy to me and Luke and has been such a blessing in this tough time. Her dimple on her left cheek that appears when she smiles is one of my favourite things about her and reminds me so much of her Daddy.  How can you explain the feeling when you sing the hymn your Mom would sing to you at night to your child; you can see her eyes lock with yours, she starts to coo, and in that moment you know that she loves you too. I realize now as a parent that the love you have for your child is unexplainable and really hard to put into words. When you tell them you love them and you swear they try to say it back. When you make your baby giggle for the first time and the amount of joy that flows through you is something I will never forget.

This time last year I was just barely pregnant, and the moment I took that pregnancy test my life changed forever. I was a mother. I was carrying life. I didn't know how this experience would change me or how I would have to sacrifice my body to have this kind of joy that being a mother is. No amount of stretch marks, back problems, weight gain, or c-section scarring could stop me from doing it all over again. The way my body has changed is just a small sacrifice to feel your baby move inside you and then meet them face to face and lock eyes with them for the first time. I know that there are all kinds of mothers, some who did not get to carry their children themselves, some who don't have children of their own but mother others. It is a calling, that calls us beyond ourselves to care for others; to put another's needs above your own. It's definitely not for the faint hearted and is one of the most hard but rewarding things I think any person could do.

Sometimes I think about the amount of sacrifice it takes to be a parent and I can get a bit overwhelmed with it all. I remember a phrase my Mom would tell me and still does, to "take one day at a time". This is so true with being a parent. I want to be mindful of the future but not miss out on the moment. Of course I think about the person she will grow to be but I don't want to miss out on today, because I know I'll blink and it will be over.

Motherhood has taught me that the dishes can wait, moments with your child won't. So take some time and play with your kids, dream with them, hug them; because you'll never get back today. (I'm mostly just preaching to myself here.)

To all you Momma's out there, know that we are all imperfect. Don't beat yourself up about it! Not one Mom has it all "together". There's moments when you are covered in puke, poop and who knows what else, when you haven't done your hair or worn normal clothes for days or have only gotten a few hours of sleep the night before and are just too grumpy to function. You are not alone! I just want to say thank you for your sacrifice and love for your children because with out Mom's the world would crumble. You're a superhero. Don't forget it! ❤️


  1. Love you Bethany! You words are so poignant and true. Tears and love to you!

  2. Love you Bethany! You words are so poignant and true. Tears and love to you!

  3. So proud to call you my daughter, Bethany. You have developed a keen ability to perceive the present and to put into words what is on your heart.

  4. So proud to call you my daughter, Bethany. You have developed a keen ability to perceive the present and to put into words what is on your heart.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This is so precious, Beth. It was fun to read your reflections today and learn from them too. Brielle is blessed to have you as her mom!


    (I deleted the last one so I could add my name so you knew who left the comment!)


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