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I seriously cannot believe that I missed a month of updating you all on Brielle! Well if you are a Momma you know how life with a little one can be just a little hint of crazy. Time never seems to stand still for us! I cannot handle that my baby is half a year old already. I'm trying to cherish every second I have with her as I know I'll blink and she'll be grown up. Yikes, lets not go there or I might just start to tear up!

Since Brielle's last update at four months she has learned and experienced so much! 

She is now 27 inches long, 14.14 lbs and her head is 16.5 inches. She is one long little girl!

Brielle is still wearing some 3-6 month old clothes but is transitioning to 6-12 month clothes.

She has learned to roll over from back to tummy and tummy to back. I cannot leave her alone anymore because she is on the move. She even lifts up her butt to crawl but hasn't figured out that she needs to use her arms for that yet. 

We started solid food and she is sort of into it. We try to feed her solids twice a day but she is still pretty content with just breast milk. We feed her mostly purees right now to just get her adjusted to the different tastes. 

She can sit up all by herself now! She looks like such a big girl when she does and you can tell she is so proud of herself when she does. I still have to put pillows around her to make sure she has a soft landing when she falls over which is still happening. 

Brielle is overall a very happy baby and her favourite thing to do right now is smile and flail her arms wildly in excitement. It's the cutest thing ever. :) 

She loves to play in her ExerSaucer. 

She like any toys that make noise. 

Whenever you say her name she turns towards you. I love how she knows it. :) 

She's 100% going to be a Daddy's girl as she just adores Luke. I love the relationship they have formed and will continue to have.

I definitely feel like I have become totally confident in taking care of Brielle at this point in her life. I feel like I know her the best and that's an awesome feeling knowing when she needs what when. 

I love being her Mama. 💖
